Never Stop Praying for Your Loved Ones…

Greetings Divine Fabulous Friend!

BLOG - Book Flyer - 11-26-2014

Never Stop Praying for Your Loved Ones

Never stop PRAYING for those YOU LOVE, even if, and when, they STOP loving YOU. Prayer transcends time & space. Send them your love & goodness and ask for God’s WILL to be done over their lives.  Have no hidden agendas and let God’s goodness permeate every area of their lives. God knows best, HE already knows EVERYTHING we need before we ask…So have FAITH that God’s got them♡☆♡Pray for God to send them earth angels, to whom they may be receptive to receive whatever the moment merits. Remember, not everyone is not your divine assignment. God will guide, instruct, and compel you to help, if it is needed. In the meantime, Trust the process & work on YOURSELF. You need to take care of YOURSELF FIRST. Have FAITH that God will extend the same grace and mercy to him, her, or to them, as he extended and continues to extend to you as needed. As God has no respect for persons. We are all his children. Trust that each individual is been led and guided by the Holy Spirit as they journey through life. Trust that God’s hands are over them.  Have Faith that  All is indeed well. Be fruitful,

If this Insight resonated with you, You will LOVE Naryza’s Book “Insights from Along The Way” The Fabulous Woman’s Divine Guidance Tool.

***I Am Open at Random Divine Book of Insights***

Want to Accept Jesus Christ into Your Precious Heart?

Say This Prayer Out-loud

“Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the Father. I choose now to turn from my sins, my self-centeredness, and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you. I give myself to you. Please forgive all of my trespasses and sins I have committed against you Lord, known or unknown to me. As I forgive those who have trespassed against me. I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. Come reign in my heart, fill me with the Holy Spirit, with the mind of Christ, and bless me with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Restore all the years that the locusts and the cankerworms have eaten and destroyed, Lord. Live in me. Let me become a vessel for all of your good works. Put your full Armor of God over Me from this day forward and may no weapon formed against me ever prosper. Thank you, God. In Jesus Christ name I pray. And receive the answer to this prayer by your measure of faith. Amen.”

I am now saved. Jesus is my Lord. Jesus is my Savior. Thank you, Father God, for forgiving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life with You. Amen!”

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Naryza is currently seeking Angel Investors, Corporate and Non-Profit Organization’s Sponsors & Affiliates that support Women’s empowerment to help spread this valuable message. If this is YOU, please contact Naryza at Tel. (562) 567-7739 or to learn more about how to be of service by spreading her message by healing the world one Divine Insight, Prayer and Energy Painting at a time!

DONATE Any Amount To Help Naryza’s Ministry

Prayer Request for Naryza’s Ministry & Body of Work

Lord so just like Jabez cried out to you, I am crying out to you as well: Bless us indeed and enlarge our territory! May we be able to utilize all of our divinely creative gifts for your glory consistently and obediently. God, thank you for continuing to bless us with auspicious ideas with global outreach, network opportunities, and global expansion. Thank you for blessing all of the works of our hands! Breathe life into all of our works, and propel our readers to share our message. God lead us where you would have us go, so we can further spread your message of love, life, goodness, and hope. God, compel angel investors to want to contribute to our ministry so that we can expand our territory and fulfill all of our divinely anointed appointments by your designated and appointed seasons. And keep us safe so that we can continue to fight the good fight of faith by being a lightning rod for hope, blessings, transformation, and deliverance to every single person along our way. Thank you for granting our request. We receive it by faith and look forward to healing Souls one divine insight, prayer, painting, & encounter at a time.

A Donation of any size is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your generosity.

❤The Perfect Gift for Today’s Divinely Fabulous Modern Woman

❤1 qty. Book “Insights from Along the Way”❤

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This Fabulous Woman’s Divine Guidance Tool

Will Teach You How To:

Reveal a Divine Insight which will explain the spiritual life lesson playing out in your current life challenge. ✔Be the Leader, Author, & Star of your Own Life Story! ✔Fall In LOVE with YOURSELF & God First ✔Become Confident ✔Become Self-Aware ✔Transform into Your Most Valuable Version or Yourself ✔How to Harness & Own your Voice & Femenine Power in a Healthy Way ✔Be the Leader, Author, & Star of your Own Life Story! ✔Increase Your Faith✔Have the Courage to Be YOU ✔Trust Your Intuition ✔Be Authentic ✔Feel Empowered to BE YOU ✔Become Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out!👑⚘👑

Insights from Along the Way is the perfect gift to celebrate any occasion and is meant to be shared. It is every Divinely Fabulous, modern, proactive, spiritual, empowered, and brilliant woman’s divine accessory. This book is the go-to resource to feed your spirit with seeds of hope and clarity of purpose and it is meant to be consulted as often as possible. Share the treasures found within each page with your family and friends to begin a deeper more profound kind of conversation that will lead to further self-examination, introspection, transformation, and growth. This intuitive guidance tool will add a touch of unforgettable wonderment and excitement to your special events. Make it the perfect companion for your Goddess Gatherings, Girls’ Night In, Woman Empowering Events, Bridal Showers, and Insight Parties!

May its message Richly Bless You & Yours!

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Insights from Along the Way is an Open-at- Random Divine Book of Insights. This Divine Guidance tool is meant to be consulted during times of doubt, fear, spiritual tests, and tribulations. Just close your eyes, place the book close to your heart, and ask God “What is this current life lesson teaching me? (while you focus on whatever situation, person, or obstacle that is currently challenging you); Then, simply open the sacred guidance tool to the page you are intuitively guided to and reveal your divine insight. It is that easy!!!

When you own a copy of Naryza’s Book you are gifting yourself and others with a patient Spiritual teacher & best friend! You are indeed signing up for a lifetime membership of convenient private spiritual consultations with Naryza, from the convenience of your own sacred space. Want to learn more about the book “Click” this link:

Let Me Summarize What I Do

I Am a Transformational Healing Artist and Founder of the Lifestyle Brand “Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out!” As an International Leader in the Spiritual Art of Being Empathic and a Vessel of Divine Insights, I Am able to hold a Divine mirror into the condition of your spirit. I will help you to identify and release the core blocks that are impeding you from Falling in Love with God & Yourself first! And I will empower you to reclaim and channel your feminine power in a healthy way.

As a healer, I do not care about politeness or pretense. I can handle your true nature. I can face the un-loveable within you with compassion, but without sacrificing my convictions. I will empower you to own your voice, honor your individuality and to respect your power of choice in your own life. If you want to scream, you should, if you want to cry uncontrollably you should, there are no unacceptable or uncomfortable emotions un-welcomed here. Respect my expertise, time, and value, and let the healing begin. But if this process towards healing doesn’t appeal to you, I recommend you find a more suitable healer as I will not let you get away with being anything less than your most valuable self. Every session is strictly confidential. Let me spark the light in you that will propel you to be the Leader, Author & Star of your own life story.

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Naryza Believes That…

“When God created you, he gave YOU permission to BE YOU! He meant for you to be a unique expression of his qualities and creativity here on earth! That means God’s will for your life is to follow wholeheartedly the innate call he placed inside your soul to be authentic, regardless of what others may think of you! If you don’t want to have regrets at the end of your life, you must make it your most important obligation to follow your bliss on a daily basis and to live consciously in this now moment. It is also your responsibility to answer your soul’s call to live your life on your own terms while taking accountability for all of your actions and in spite of the mistakes you may make along the way. Be conscious of your God-given free will to choose, instead of living by default, allowing others to steer you in the wrong direction, or by blindly living someone else’s dream for your life. It is imperative for young women and mature women alike, to learn how to OWN their feminine power in a healthy way that honors God and themselves first, instead of others. This is my basic message, and the insights in this guide will teach women how to apply and live these principles in their everyday lives.”


Naryza LLC

“Business with a Soul”

My life’s Divine purpose and calling are to Heal the planet one Divine Insight, Painting, Prayer & Divine Encounter at a time. For many, sadness, adversity, and pain are not reasons enough to accept defeat. On the contrary, many choose to turn challenging situations, spiritual trials, and tribulations into the motor that leads them to live intensely powerful, meaningful, and congruent lives. I happen to be one of those people and I am ready through my insights, healings, lectures, paintings, prayers, & gatherings to spread the message that we all owe it to ourselves to Fall in Love With God & Ourselves first and everything else will fall into place! Those who know me are impressed with my gentle, calming, yet powerful energy and extremely accurate insights. I can provide you with thought-provoking and sensitive guidance that will both excite and propel you to live your most valuable life.

A Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out Lady OWNS her feminine power in a healthy way. She loves God. She honors the sacred that dwells in each individual including her own. She is confident in her capacity to love and be loved. She never ceases to learn and embraces every life experience as an opportunity for personal growth, development, and transformation. She has made it her quest to define what loving herself first means. She realizes her life is her message and contribution to this world. She lives in this precious NOW moment and receives with a grateful heart all the gifts and blessings the present affords her. She lives her life as an art form: From the way she cooks to the way she decorates her home, to the way she dresses, engages with others and carries herself. She creates beauty and delicious experiences just by showing up wherever bliss takes her. She loves intensely, deeply, and passionately. She believes that with God’s love all the treasures of your heart are possible to achieve. She prays with intense abandon every day and God is her Father & best friend. She lives life in her own terms and is the leader, author, and star of her own life story. Her energy signature is felt and never ignored. She pays attention to her inner world and is obedient to her inner voice. Her legacy is authenticity! She reigns herself and does not feel the need to rule others. She lives and lets life, she loves, and let’s love.


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