30 Day Prayer Challenge!

By Naryza

Greetings My Divinely Fabulous Friends!

Let us heal our world one Divine Prayer at a time.  Please join me in this 30 Day Prayer Challenge!  As we choose to secretly PRAY for every single person you cross paths with in your journey along the way today!  Pray it Forward!  Share & Subscribe!

prayer challenge


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Naryza Believes that…

 “When God created you, he gave YOU permission to BE YOU! He meant for you to be a unique expression of his qualities and creativity here on earth! That means, God’s will for your life is to follow wholeheartedly the innate call he placed inside your soul to be authentic, regardless of what others may think of you!  If you don’t want to have regrets at the end of your life, you must make it your most important obligation to follow your bliss on a daily basis, and to live consciously in this now moment.  It is also your responsibility to answer your soul’s call to live your life on your own terms, while taking accountability for all of your actions and in spite of the mistakes you may make along the way.  Be conscious of your God given free will to choose, instead of living by default, allowing others to  stir you in the wrong direction, or  by blindly living someone else’s dream for your life.  It is imperative for young women and mature woman alike to learn how to  OWN their feminine power in a healthy way that honors God and themselves first, instead of others. This is my basic message, and the insights in this guide will teach women how to apply and live these principles in their everyday lives.”

Insights from Along the Way is an Open at Random Powerful Transformational Intuitive Spiritual Insight Guidance tool meant to be consulted during times of doubt, fear, spiritual tests, and tribulations.  When you own a copy of Naryza’s book you are gifting yourself and others with a patient Spiritual teacher & best friend! You are indeed signing up for a lifetime membership of convenient private spiritual consultations with Naryza, from the convenience of your own sacred space.

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From Naryza’s Exclusive & Original

Energy Paintings Series “Keep Your Heart Open

What are “Love Notes”?  Have you ever wanted to REMIND someone special in your life, how Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out you believe them to be  in an enchanting and unexpected way.  Most people only check their mail box to find Bills or Junk Mail.  Naryza’s “Love Notes” have just re-invented checking the mail…What if…When you opened your mail box, you found instead, a uniquely enchanting postcard with a divine heartfelt message written inside by your favorite friend, sister or loved one!  Well this is what “Love Notes are…they are “Divine Reminders” that stop us in our tracks to declare us Fabulous ~ Divine ~ and Elegant Spirits during what may appear to be ordinary times! Love Notes are an “Affirmation Tool”   that will visually and spiritually inspire you to live a Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out life every single day regardless of the challenges along the way.

“Love Notes” are also designed to be used as a “Personal Empowerment Tool”!  Why not have a girls night in party, vision board creation party, or an empowerment gathering with your favorite ladies, and then write on the “Love Notes” a personal reminder for yourself of a dream, intention, or vision you would like to accomplish in the next 30, 60, or 90 days.  Exchange cards with your friends, and make a promise that you will each mail out to one another the self-addressed postcard as you are divinely appointed to, and as a reminder of the commitment you’ve made to yourself to FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!  

So as a special Bonus Gift and Love Gem, Naryza will include FOUR (4) Unique Mini-Replicas of her one of a kind designs from her “Keep Your Heart Open” Energy Paintings, in the form of “Love Notes” postcards. Each Love Note includes an envelope and will arrived beautifully wrapped with a sparkly red  bow!     

  Copyright 2015 Naryza LLC ~ All Rights Reserved